
justin >>

basic info> >> >
full name: justin w. john > >         nickname[s]: justini, j, dub, kiddo, the dude, boo [everyone seems to have their own name for me]....> >         birthdate: april 16th, 1981 > >         current location: baltimore, md> >         are you happy with your family?: most of them > >         siblings: 1 sister, 1 step-sister, 1 step-brother > >         age: 20 > >         grade: sophomore@MICA > >         eye colour: blue-green-grey [depends on what i wear] > >         hair colour: naturally: nasty mousy brown > >         height: 5'10"ish > >         arm span: who really cares?> >         hobbies: i just work, i don't have time for hobbies > >         piercings: 3> >         tattoos: one... wanna know where?>>

favourites> >> >
colour: you can't ask me to pick just one, that's not fair! i love all colours.. especially blue, orange and red tho. > >         movie[s]: moulin rouge, fight club, drop deap gorgeous, human traffic, sixteen candles, ferris bueller's day off, etc.... > >         drink: apple juice > >         food: mexican, chinese, italian... mmm > >               brand of clothes: diesel > >         cheese: MONSTER [muenster]teehee > >         time of day: and when the music starts... > >         place to be: with people who love me for who i am> > tv: powerpuff girls, dexter's laboratory, and will&grace > >         activity: DANCING the nite away> >         sport: dancing can be considered a sport > >         actor: dunno> >         actress: margaret cho, janeane garofalo and drew barrymore> >         athelete: can't say that i have one > >         music: if it's got a beat it makes me happy > >         car: vw carrado> >         song: currently: 'party' by nelly furtado > >        all-time love song: armand van helden's d+b mix of aaliyah's 'one in a million'> >         song you'd like to forget: black hole sun LOL > >         song you can't forget: there are so many..> >         song you think is the longest you've ever slow danced to: i haven't slow danced since high skool sometime.. i think it was prom.. but i don't remember any of the songs from prom > >         song you just can't stop singing: danke shoen > >         canned food: tomato soup > >         pizza: cheese from papa john's> >         cologne/perfume: i wear ck be > >         pickup line: don't need one.> >

have you ever...> >> >
gotten drunk: we won't discuss that > >         done drugs: laa dee dah > >         drivin illegally: and what do you mean by that exactly? > >         slept naked: yes > >         gotten struck by lightning:  no > >         been knocked out unconcious: no > >         made out in the snow: sounds like fun > >         been attacked/taken advantage of by a friends dog/cat: get off me mercedes! > >         stayed up all nite:  many a times> >         snuck out of the house: sure > >         run away: um, kinda > >         left the country: yes.. australia, new zealand, spain, italy, mexico, philippines, hmm.. i think thats it. > >         cheated on your significant other: never> >         broken a bone: yes, both my arms [not at the same time tho] > >         loved someone so much it made you cry: i think i do > >         needed someone so bad you couldn't sleep at nite: uh huh [do i sense a song coming on?] > >         tried to find the words but they don't come out right: do i ever make sense? > >

pick one> >> >
paper or plastic: does it matter? > >         gay or straight: i am a homosexual... sometimes i am happy and sometimes i think straight... but neither do i do all the time > >         marker or crayon: CRAYONS > >         coke or pepsi: i'll go with coke > >         n*sync or backstreet boyz: they're all gay, does it make a difference? > >         boxers or briefs: boxers > >         panties or thong: EWWWWWWWWWWW> >         christina aguilara or mandy moore: hmmmmmm. do i really need to answer that? i don't think i do> >         rap or alternative: depends on the artist > >         nike or adidas: definitely adidas > >         abercrombie or fitch: abercrombie is my bitch, that's all i have to say> >         sosa or mcgwire: errrr > >         mcdonalds or burger king: mcdonalds got the best fries > >         shakes or malts: shakes> >         sausage or bacon: morning star farms sausage.. mmmmmmmm > >         pants or shorts: pants, always pants > >         felix da man or freddy prinze jr.: is this a trick question???>> >

miscellaneous> >> >
best friend[s]: like i'm supposed to pick one.... justin, robyn, steve, jessica, laura, lindsay, betsy, chris, corrie, em + em... > >         most trust worthy: jessica > >         sweetest: lindsay > >         of your friends who's the hot/pretty boy/girl: corrie> >         has the nicest smile: justin > >         most poetic: i dunno > >         most likely to succeed: good gawd.. what is this a freakin' yearbook?> >         the group clown: you :P > >         biggest flirt: robyn> >         shyest: uh.. me. > >         most annoying: if they were annoying, would i hang out with them?> >         smartest: acccck> >         dumbest: derrr> >         is most likely to drink shampoo: the crackhead> >         boyfriend: justin > >         crush: refer to previous answer.> >         who: der > >         what lengths have you gone to attract the opposite sex's attention?: not very far cuz i'm not attracted to the opposite sex... but as for boiz.. not far either cuz i'm shy> >         which of your friends would you most likely go out with: that doesn't seem right> >         the ugliest person you know: eeeeeeeeek! > >> >
so i guess that's it kidz.

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