/ fall 99 /
 / here i am // new and improved /
 / the college years /

damn, was my weekend interesting or what? ok. now i am back at my place, but i am leaving tonight. i just can't stay put, can i? oh well, that's just me. so this is most likely my last entry until to year 2000. wow, 2000, who would have thunk it? hehehe... things are moving by quickly. i can't keep up with myself sometimes. i might have to start leaving myself messages. well, i don't know how to make this last entry good. well, what is 'good' anyway? are any of these entries good? i don't know. highly doubtful, but ya know what?... i don't care cuz this is all for my own personal recollection and venting. and that's all i have to say for this last one. so until next year...
peave, love, unity + respect!

things move by pretty quick, and if you don't stop to look, you might miss it.

finals are done. crits are done. exams are done. i can go rest now. praise jesus.

finals suck. that's all there is to it. no matter how you look at it they suck. the one good thing is that after this week i have nothing to do for a looooong time. yay. okay. other than that... life is ok i guess. i few lil things off, but no one is perfect. of course christmas is coming up. stress. what to get people. blah. damn. no money. eeek. grrrrr. hmmmm. sheesh. oh well. love.
people are funny. they do weird things. me included. anyway. i can't go into that now cuz i just don't have the time. oh, but here's a funny story before i go...
okay, last saturday i went to velvet with my friend corrie. now, corrie is an attractive girl, don't get me wrong. but we are in a gay club and she has more guys hit on her than i do [justin scores a big 0]... what's wrong with that picture? oh well, i don't mind, i just thought it was funny. hehe
i think i'll have just one more installment for the year, but then after that i won't have my computer for a while, so i don't know think i'll update until late january at the earliest. oh well, the world isn't going to end. Y2K oh gawd noooooooooooooo. haha. whatever.

have you ever been lost? and i don't mean like lost in the woods or getting lost while driving somewhere. i mean, have you ever felt lost? lost in life?
i'm looking, i'm trying, but nothing seems to work. i'm ready to give up and let go, but i can't. and i won't. not yet. i haven't found the path and i don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. i don't feel right here and i don't want to go home. i'm just without a place to go. i'm lost.

oh look. i'm updating again. imagine that.
well, how was everyone's thanksgiving? that's good, mine sucked too. no, i'm just kidding. mine was nice actually. it was what happened after dinner that was even better. i got to see moby. i just wanna say right now that moby puts on a kick ass show. this was my first time seeing him doing a real show and not just doing his dj thang, which i saw him do again on saturday, but that's whole other story that i'll get to in a minute. his show was fabulous. everloving and why does my heart feel so bad? were my favorites. his cover of i'm on fire was pretty damn kewl too.
ok, yeah, that was thursday, friday i did nothing. ok not nothing. i mean NOTHING! i think that was the first time in like forever that i sat around all day doing nothing. i did some homework, but other than that. it was a great big nothing day. it was good though. gave me time to think. some good. some bad. all together a healthy way of processing emotions.
saturday. the big day. engage. wow. what else can i say. i had fun. i danced. i got a cute toy from some girl. i danced. i made friends. i danced. i saw moby dj again. i danced. i had fun. and the next day [today] my legs hurt. all in all. a great 10 hours spent at the dc armory.
so my thanksgiving vacation was well spent. now i have to due homework that is due monday at 1pm and it is now 11:53pm sunday night. hmmm. guess i better go do that homework now.

hmmm... what's been going on?? well, not much, yet a whole lot. most of it would bore you all, but i assure you i am having fun. i still have a ton of work to do, but i get it all done and i have fun too, so it's okay.
i've actually come to a realization recently. i have realized that i am not as open to things as i used to be. maybe i'm changing or maybe i'm just becoming more aware. either way, i know that i don't look at things quite the same anymore. i used to think i liked all types of things, but i am now realizing everything i don't like. i don't like a lot of foods, music, events, and most of all people. i'm not going to name any names, but there are a lot of people who are just aggrivating me to no end recently. mostly cuz they are either mean or hypocritical or just plain lie. any way you look at it, there are a lot of things i am finding unsatisfying to my tastes, so i leave them be.
thanksgiving is coming up soon. the first time i get to see some of my friends since they left for school. i'm so excited. i can't wait. it's gonna be like old times again. i really must be doing work now. one last thing though, i put up a new picture of myself in the 'boi' section. my dear friend chand took pictures of me for a photo project and this is one of them.
all for love and peace out.

well, i just woke up... i went to fever last night. it was kewl. last weekend was halloween of course. i went to rocky horror on friday, the halloween party on saturday, then trick or treating around the commons on sunday. it was fun... go to my third floor crew page to see all the fun pictures from halloween. i have a ton of work i should be doing right now, so i will go get started on that for the time being.

my life is getting kinda weird i think. things are constantly changing. nothing bad... nothing too great for that matter either, but hey, change is good. most of the time, at least.
school is going ok. i'm doing well in all of my classes. except art history. i hate art history. art history sucks arse. no more talk about school though. i think about it enough already. i have enough work to think about as it is.
i still have no idea what to be for halloween. anyone got any bright ideas? i sure as hell don't. oh well, guess i'll be me. hahaha. whatever, i don't care, it's just halloween. i'm going to rocky horror on friday. yay. i haven't been for a while, so i can't wait. errrr. well, guess this entry is pretty dull too, so i'm gonna get myself together to go to wally world. and i will maybe have something of more interest to write later in the week or after the weekend for sure.

okay, so now i'm in college, doing all these fun college things... yeah, bascially. i totally love it here and i'm having so much fun. i have great new friends, but i still miss all of my old ones. i just wish there was a way i could have all of you guys together, but i don't see that happening anytime soon, but at least i'm not too far from home, so i can still see everyone.
work is hard. well, not too hard, but it's just a lot of time. that's what makes it hard... the time it takes. but i like it. sometimes i don't get to do everything i want to, but i'm learning... and i have a lot to learn.
i can't believe how long it's been since i've updated my page... i didn't realize anyone actually came here that often, but people keep telling me to update it, so here i am... updating my page with a new design and everything.
hmmmmm... thought my first fall entry might have been more interesting, but i guess it's not all that great. i'll try to make it better next time kids. all for now.

i'm no fucking buddhist but this is enlightenment

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