

this is the time for merrymaking. >>today's horoscope.


summer is winding down and i feel as though it has just begun. i wish i could say i spent the long summer days adventuring across the globe or living out dreams or other such gratifying summer experiences, but that is not my case. i've spent the past two and half months working, not one, but two jobs. i've still found time to occupy myself in other ways as well, but work has been hard and not the most "fulfilling" of activities that i've been doing this season. i need the money, but i had to do what i had to do and i don't regret it. regret will only depress and frustrate me and i certainly don't need that in my life. it seems as though i've done nothing but work this summer, but there has been more. i went to visit my father, step-mother & sister in wisconsin for a week (which was and interesting cultural experience to say the least) and then my sister flew back with me for my mother's wedding, which was nice. i am happy for her. i'm glad to see her happy. they've moved into a large house now; suburbia at it's best. a big house with a fence, two cars in the driveway and two cats inside. cute. i finally have my own apartment, with my own room and my own bathroom and my own closet and i love it. i have a great roommate and it's our home. in my "home" city...
i had some fun this summer too.. it was certainly not all work and no play. i am not a dull boy. i spent most my free hours with chris or lindsay and occassionally betsy and i had some fun together. most these free hours were spent relaxing due to the fact all of us work and when we have free time we like to just chill (in the very least). company of friends is best no matter what. to laugh together and just know you are with someone who cares is the best feeling.
of course i just had to party; wouldn't be a summer otherwise... there was starscape (betsy, grrl.. c'mon now).. firecracker (::laughs out loud::).. and fever(s) of course (i always meet the most interesting people there).. foam party @buzz (bubble baths are fun when dressed appropriately).. and still many more to come.
the summer is still here and i'm going to take advantage of what's left so until the leaves start falling .. i'm going to live it up.

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