![]() 08.23.99 talk about long time, no write. almost a month. where does the time go? well, it's 10 pm, roughly 36 hours until i am in college. scary isn't it? so much has gone on this summer, but i barely got half of what i wanted to do done... never made that trip to nyc. oh well, it ain't goin' nowhere. tomorrow is basically the last day of summer. this is going to be an interesting year. but i'll survive. the new tori single, 'bliss,' comes out tomorrow. i can't wait. i get to see her wednesday. it's been almost a year since i saw her last in concert. sheesh. i dyed my hair red today. no, i really did. it was supposed to be 'cherry cola' but it's red. i like it though. as you may have noticed i am going to redesign my site. nothing really new, just new graphics and such. i couldn't have picked a worse time to do so, but when you get the urge and the idea... you just have to go with the flow. i have mixed feelings right now... i'm scared. i'm excited. i'm sad. i'm confused. thank god i'm not going too far away from home. it's hard to move on sometimes, especially when you are so used to something. and you feel so comfortable with it. but change is inevitable. especially when you are growing up. but change shouldn't be feared... i think it should be taken in, but not without caution. unless you really know what you're getting yourself into. but that doesn't mean everything changes. just some stuff. other stuff stays the same. no matter what i do, no matter how much stuff i pack up into boxes... i'm still leaving something behind. another piece of childhood has left me. how much more do i have left? not much i'm sure, but enough. it's hard to say good-bye to people, but it's not like it's good-bye forever, just for a lil while. though it still won't be the same anymore. so, i guess there's not much else for me to say other than this.... to all my friends and family, i love you and i will never forget you. thank you. i keep on thinking it's not good-bye i keep on thinking it's our time to fly. 07.27.99 here's an interesting thought [sara's thought, actually] Do you believe a person can be an individual? I mean..An individual is someone who is different.if supposedly, there are no two people exactly alike in the world, if everyone's diferent in some way, then everyone in the world is an individual. But if everyone in the world is an individual, that very fact gives everybody something in common, and it cancels out the meaning of individual. I want to believe in individuality, but I can't see how. Maybe I'm insane. Yea, I'm insane.... here's my opinion i think that everyone should be themselves and not try to be something they are not... then you'll be your own individual, other than that... i don't think i have anything to say. 07.24.99 i can't believe how much i just don't feel like updating... it feels like too much of an effort nowadays. i just don't have the feel for it that much right now, but does it really matter... i mean, there's really nothing for me to say anyway. my summer is slow. all i do is work and hang out with Chris and occasionally other friends. i rode rollercoasters on monday. they were fun. i want to see The Blair Witch Project. i hear it's very scary. i got the new nin single. it's good listening. other than that. life is the same. i want my own space. i think it would be so cool to have my own domain... but i don't have the dinero for that... so i'll keep dreaming. 07.14.99 Oh my lord, where have i been? i really don't know to tell you the truth. i've just been hanging out, going to work, and the other day i helped chris move into his new apartment [which is very kewl i might add]. nothing is going on here. i just have a bad sunburn and i'm waiting for it to go away. i watched A Clockwork Orange the other day to get me in the mode for Eyes Wide Shut. i can't wait to see it. maybe i'll watch The Shining or something else tonight or tom'w. i love ebay. you can find the greatest stuff on there. and sell your old junk and people will buy it up. it's like going to a cd store, selling them your old cds, and then get a bunch of new ones you like. it's great. all for now, maybe something interesting to report later in the week. i dunno, we'll just have to see. 07.02.99 it feels as though summer is just slipping away and it's only july. part of me feels like it's all going nowhere fast and i can't do anything to stop it. i know i still have a long summer left, but it's already july and i want to do so much this summer. i hope i can do it all. i have no idea what i'll be doing for the 4th. hangin' out wit chris no doubt :-) he's gone now. away on vacation and i'm here at home. oh well. i'll survive [biting thumb] it's only noon and i miss him already. i'm tired too for some reason. i'm gonna nap now.
06.25.99 |